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Our Committees, Club & Societies

To improve the social awareness among the students about the college, society, legal aspects; there are different committees, club and societies. 

Women Cell

All female staff members and students can approach to this cell for the early redressal of their grivences. It has seen Constituted in such a manner that any female member can raise their issues and help the college administration in taking correct decision.We ensure that all women and girls do not encounter any difficulty during their stay in the college.

Anti Ragging Cell

As per the direction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India Ragging is the criminal offence and is totally banned. Our College has established a Anti Ragging Cell under the supervision of a senior Citizen and One teacher in charge keep a close eye on any kind of ragging by senior students.

Eco Club

The main aim of establishing the Eco Club is to aware the students about the biodiversity Conservation and motivate them to actively participate in Nature Conservation activities. 

Main Activities include:

- Tree Plantation Drive

- Waste Management System

- Awareness Programme

National Service Scheme

The main goal of the NSS is education via community service and community service via education. Our College has one unit of NSS which plan programs and carry out the plan. Techer in charge every time make them aware about motto of NSS.

‘NOT ME BUT YOU’ which reflect for the need of selfless services and essence of democratic living.

Cultural Literary Society

Patiala is a royal city and is popularly known as the cultural capital of Punjab through this society our objective is to make the young students aware of their rich heritage and draw inspiration to know their culture and to reach those levels of perfection of their elders which made this city world famous.

Library Society

A library is a place where books and sources of information are stored. It makes easier for students to get access to them for various purposes. Libraries are very helpful and economical too. It includes books, magazines, newspapers, DVD’s, Manuscripts and more.

Facilities provided in our Library:

·         Newspapers

·         Literature books

·         Encyclopedia

Red Ribbon Club

Red Ribbon club is a movement started by Govt.of India in colleges in collaboration with National Aids Control Organization (NACO) and State Aids Control Organization (PSACO). Our College has one unit of Red Ribbon Club.

Main Objectives: -

- Awareness about HIV/AIDS a

- To educate about drug abuse.

- To promote Blood donation.

Co-Curricular Activities

Co-Curricular Activities are meant to bring social skills, intellectual skills, moral values, personality progress and character appeal in students

It includes:

Outdoor activities like Tour and Field trips

Creative arts – Poster making, Painting and Craft work


Dance and Music

Theatre- Drama, Skit and Play.

What Our students Say

Our old students

Ravneet, B.Ed Students

"I'm a old students of GN College of Education. Apart from my regular studies I learned life skills form this college. The professors of the college not only help me in regular studies but also increased my 
self confidence. 

GN College of Education

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